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Greater China eHealth Forum 2011 Event, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

The Greater China eHealth Forum was an open platform that introduced international health technologies and health informatics services. This collaborative eHealth Forum furthered the objective of enhancing current eHealth initiatives and to create a network of international healthcare professionals.

Ted Sherlock, CEO of Aversan Inc, was a key speaker at the Greater China eHealth Forum. As a speaker, Mr. Sherlock presented the HealthCare technology and services that help verify and validate health system informatics. Aversan, as a leader in the Canadian eHealth initiative, employs Independent Verification and Validation services to ensure product quality and accurate configuration to health standards.

As an exhibitor of the Greater China eHealth Forum, the Aversan team introduced a well designed module that exemplified our eHealth services by explaining our services for eHealth Manitoba, Health Infoway, and our healthcare initiatives in British Columbia and the United States.

The overall experience at the Greater China eHealth Forum was positive and a great introduction to health initiatives to be explored in China.



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