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Aversan Kicks Off National Engineering Month!

Happy National Engineering Month!

March 1st marks the beginning of National Engineering Month!  In 1992, Engineers Canada founded National Engineering Month to “celebrate engineering excellence” in Canada.  The month strives to strengthen bonds of people within the profession across the country.

It also supports and encourages the youth of Canada to make decisions and possible careers in engineering and engineering technology fields.  NEM is filled with exciting opportunities for both students and employees, and allows the community to give thanks for all that engineers do.

Aversan will be honouring our hardworking engineers in the weeks to come for all  the amazing work that they produce.  All the celebrations will lead up to a Mystery Finale on the 29th, where our Engineers will be part of a Mystery Engineering Challenge!

Celebrating with Bingo & Cake

Each week, we will have a different activity in the office.  On Friday March 1st, we started the celebrations with an exciting game of Engineering Bingo where the two winners were prized with gift cards!  It was a race to the finish as the activity lasted for most of the day!

In the afternoon, a delicious cake was served in the lunchroom in recognition of our engineers.

It was a wonderful start to National Engineering Month, and every week it’ll only get better with each of our celebrations!

Check out what we have planned for the upcoming weeks by checking in on our Twitter and LinkedIn pages!  Don’t forget to share your predictions on what you think our Mystery Engineering Challenge may be in the comments section!


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